Has this game of pétanque turned into a nightmare? Find out how death threats ended the innocent game of bowls!

Immerse yourself in the heart of a game of pétanque that turned into a nightmare: death threats and an innocent game of boules intersect for an unexpected outcome. Intrigues and mysteries await you in this captivating article.

An innocent game that turns into a nightmare

A peaceful game of pétanque between friends in the small town of Albias, north of Montauban, quickly turned into a nightmare when an argument broke out between the players and a motorist. Pleasantries were exchanged and death threats were made, plunging the participants into a terrifying situation.

A shocking incident and a hasty escape

The facts date back almost a year, on June 23, 2023, when the driver, identified as Salim, lost his calm following passing a little too close to the pétanque players with his car. Witnesses say he threatened to slit their throats and shoot them in the head. The situation quickly degenerated and when the police arrived, the suspect had already fled.

An unsuccessful escape

Despite his attempt to escape, Salim was quickly found thanks to the help of a resident who spotted him in his garden. The authorities used a taser to arrest him and put an end to his attempt to escape across the fields. He was then taken before the Montauban judicial court to answer for his actions.

Conflicting versions and damning testimonies

During the hearing, Salim admitted to driving without a license and uttering insults, but denied the death threats. Yet the testimony of plaintiffs and witnesses is overwhelming, evoking the terror felt during the incident. The lawyer for one of the plaintiffs also raises the fact that her client lives in fear of reprisals, thus requesting financial compensation.

An exemplary sentence

Prosecutor Magali Bordes highlighted Salim’s unacceptable behavior, describing his attitude as a « caid ». She requested a sentence of ten months in prison, six of which were suspended for two years, as well as bans on contact and an obligation to compensate the victims. The court followed these requisitions, also adding fines and damages.

A defense that attempts to minimize the facts

In defense, Salim’s lawyer tried to minimize the facts, casting doubt on the witnesses’ version and emphasizing the lack of search for the man who accompanied the accused. She pleaded for a more lenient sentence, allowing her client to rebuild his life.

A firm decision from the court

The court was not convinced by the defense arguments and handed down an exemplary sentence against Salim. He will not only have to serve a prison sentence, but also pay fines and damages to the victims. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining calm and resolving conflicts peacefully, even when it involves a simple game of bowls.

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